Wednesday 2 July 2008

Things To Do Before You Die.

I am trying to get together a list of things to do before I die. Sounds a bit odd, but at 17, I figured that the earlier I start, the more likely I am to complete the list! Life is just a big waiting game and I'd like some things to pass the time - especially as I've just finished my A Levels and have found myself with a heck of a lot of time on my hands.

Now I don't want any of you grumps out there telling me to get a job to fill the time - I already have four. Nothing wimpy like babysitting in four different houses - 1 in a pub, 1 doing generally slave work for my parents' business, 1 on a farm and another cleaning for a nice lady nearby. So, what I really want from you all is all the things that you've already done and why it is worthwhile that I should do the same!

Come on, give me the best you've got and if I get enough, I'll post the list on my blog.

Then, provided I survive the ordeal, I publish accounts of what I've done.

It can be as trivial as eat oysters (I've already done that) or something a bit more reckless if you prefer!

I look forward to the responses.


Ron Hill's Alter Ego said...

Here's what I recommend:

1. Watching the sunrise on Mt Fuji
2. Seeing Niagra Falls
3. Standing on the Equator
4. Run a marathon
5. Watch your football team play at Wembley
6. Climb the Empire State Building (using the lift, natch)
7. Get soaked in a tropical storm
8. Once - just once - experience a classical British Cruise ship. Not the ones that churn out 10 day breaks in the Med. But something like the QE2. And experience what it would have been like in the 30's, 40's and 50's before transatlantic air travel took over.
9. Watching jungle hierarchy at work - view the comings and goings at a waterhole approaching sunset
10. Inventing a mchine that would instantly eliminate pond life. The human variety.

I only have one left to achieve.

Siobhan said...

Well, as soon as I've earnt a few grand I might be able to do some of those. But I've already got my heart set on next year's London Marathon so I can knock one of off by April.

Vicki Powell said...

I meant to reply to this quite a long time ago... Here are my suggestions.
Camp on a beach somewhere. I'd recommend Fraser Island in Australia.
Go to the Olympics - ah you've done that one!
I'd second the one about standing on the equator. You have to do the trick watching the matchstick go one way then the other!
Walk in a rainforest
See the aurora borealis from the sea (that's on my to-do list)